Sunday, July 02, 2006

at church

There has been a lot written about the emergent church movement and what it looks like.

Given that right at this moment I am blogging this while sitting in church might qualify this place as one of those new-fangled emergent churches. I am not in the main auditorium (we don't call our main worship room a sanctuary because frankly it isn't, it is an auditorium). I am seated in the large common area that has bistro tables and leather chairs and couches. It is more comfortable for a single mom like me-- no losing out on the shared arm rests separating the chairs in the auditorium or being a "lonely" single wedged between neat intact families.

So maybe this "emerging church" has made a comfortable place for me, a divorced single mom. Although it is not in a visible leadership position to the congregation, then at least it is at a stylish bistro table in the lower level of the building.

And coffee (lattes and cappucino for a price but regular ol' joe in help-yourself carafes) is only about fifty paces to the right.


At Thu Jul 06, 08:02:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I come from the Eatern Orthodox church, which is about as traditional as you can get. But, oh, man, am I ever tempted by the possibility of coffee AND worship simultaneously! Oh, well, I can dream.


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