Sunday, August 20, 2006

three amigos

David, my sweet six year old, had a sleep over last night. His two cousins, four and five years old, came to spend the night. It was as wonderful for David as it was for me! I had never had my nephews all to myself. What a treat.

The three mop-tops bounced in the back seat. One said, "Chicken!" Peels of laughter quickly followed. I peeked in the rear view mirror. Then louder and in unison, "CHICKEN!" Rip-roarin' belly laughs. Three squealing boys. Cousins. Three Amigos, oblivious to the driver, were sharing in a joke that I simply didn't appreciate.

Sleep-over Events of the Three Amigos (Reader's Digest version)


•Quizno's. And by the way, my younger sis's kids had never (that's right, never ever) had a kid's meal before. Now they have. And it's all my fault.

•Picnic (Quiznos in hand) at the park and playing on the gear after eating.

•Blockbuster. Three Amigos' quick and unanimous choice: Rescue Heroes.


•Rescue Heroes. Half the show.

•Kids playing outside. Rode bikes and scooter. Squirted each other with squirt guns.

•Ice cream at favorite local ice cream place. Played chase. And I was It. The whole entire time.

•Headed home but first drove to look at light house.

•Home again. Finished watching Rescue Heroes.

•Upstairs to wash feet, hands, ice cream smiles. Brushed teeth. Got on jammies.

•All pile into D's two twin beds that I had pushed together to make one large bed so they could all sleep together. (Yea, I know some moms are snickering in a knowing way right about now.)

All was going well. The time? 9:00pm.

•A book. Tonka Rescue Helicopter. (I tried to stay true to the Rescue Hero theme when picking out the night-time book.)

•Prayers. We took turns. Very sweet.

•A little conversation. Then a little more.

•Night light was turned on in the bedroom, coded knocks on the wall were rehearsed in case help was needed in the middle of the night, covers arranged just so, the bathroom door left wide open with a nightlight shining near the toilet, the bedroom closet doors shut up tight, and the bedroom door opened 3/4ths (a compromise among the boys.) I tip-toed out of the room.

And then they quickly and blissfully fell fast asleep...


Noooo, different forms of silly merriment ensued. You know the kind, such as that which results when the word CHICKEN is repeated... over... and over... again.

•I put on my teacher hat and turned back to David's room where I quickly delivered directions in my best teacher voice. I explained they could only whisper, and only for a short time more. Lined up in a row in the very long bed and clutching his Quizno's Child's Meal undersea life trading cards in chubby fingers, each of the Three Amigos solemnly nodded his agreement about going to sleep. They looked angelic.

Kisses were redistributed and hugs again provided (probably more for the adoring mom than for the boys benefit), before a quick, last, "Time to sleep," was delivered.

I paused for a moment at the doorway, looking at my son and two nephews in the glow of the nightlight, before walking the few steps back to my bedroom.

And then... yes, then they really and truly DID fall fast asleep.

About 45 minutes later.


At Sun Aug 20, 10:42:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh what a night! I loved reading of what will be a special memory for 3 beautiful boys on a summer night. Beautifully written and described, it brought back memories of many sleepovers here at 803 Linden over the years.


At Mon Aug 21, 11:02:00 AM EDT, Blogger mommyguilt said...

oh that sounds like a riot! SmallBoy's 10th is coming up and I'm not certain I am ready for a housefull of boys sleeping over again..we'll limit it to 2, I think.

thanks for stopping by and for the decorating tips! I like that idea, particularly since he already has sheets that are sage with gray patterns running through them.

At Mon Aug 21, 11:06:00 AM EDT, Blogger mommyguilt said...

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