Saturday, September 15, 2007


I was reading through past blogs.

This past week, before I missed the sixth day of school, I thought it was so crazy that we were so sick so early in the school year!

Then I read through my previous posts.

Not so unusual, after all. (I was surprised... is there a pattern here?)

It seems that right at the beginning of every school year, after a few days, the nasty germies get us.

Every time!

Not fair.

be careful

My son (and I) had a milestone today. David rode his bike to a friend's house, one street over and on the other side of the cul de sac. Beyond the sight of my watchful eye.

He will be an independent eight years old in a few weeks.

Why aren't I smiling?

Award Winning Artist

My talented nephew, Michael, won First Place in the 40th Annual Holland Area Arts Council Juried Exhibition!!! He is a junior in college and was among amazingly talented, older and seasoned artists. His entry was an amazing photograph taken on train during a summer trip to China.

Yay, Michael!!!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

inside out

Teachers went back to school last week. Students will start this coming Tuesday.

Teacher in-services are often dull, tediously long, and drawn-out affairs, with lots of talking among the staff of the entire district (hundreds of people!) and lots of sitting (not always easy for me to do!)

I took special care to wear a skirt the first day of in-services. Wanted to be half-way professional and all that, you know. About midway to toward the end of the day I visited the ladies' room.

It was then I made my discovery.

My skirt. My professional-looking skirt.

It was inside out.