Thursday, October 26, 2006


The last month has been busy-- the school year is always like that. We have celebrated David's birthday, started soccer, and paused long enough to suffer from a couple of nasty colds.

David's seventh birthday celebration was a blast... from outer space that is, with its Star Wars theme! It was a beautiful day and David had such a wonderful and fun time! The garage was scrubbed and cleaned and decorated for the festivities. We had a large tablecloth with silver stars tacked to the wall and while we waited for everyone to arrive, children gathered at the large "canvas" and drew their Star Wars scenes using Vis A Vis markers. The kids went through Jedi Knight training outside in the front and backyard by participating in different activities, including a cool obstacle course. Divided into two teams, they also raced to empty a Jedi backpack and us the items that were packed in it-- a telescope to look through, a Jedi phone to make a call, a light saber to swish-swish-swish through the air, soap to wash,and a stuffed animal to hug or kiss goodnight. Then they repacked the Jedi backpack, raced back to the line and handed the bag off to the next participant. Little Jedis also obliterated a Death Star that was drawn on the driveway with chalk with grenade water balloons. Fun! Later, the kids used their homemade light saber (with their name) to keep a balloon in the air. After present opening, and eating a blue light saber birthday cake and ice cream, Darth Vader made a surprise appearance (thanks Uncle Karl!) and handed out laser-printed certificates, naming each boy a Jedi Knight! To wind down the party, the kids played pin the light saber on Yoda. It was an action-packed party! If anyone ever needs pages of plans for a super Star Wars birthday, let me know, because I have the goods!

I can hardly belive my son is seven years old already! He has been a tremendous blessing. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to be this beautiful boy's mommy.

David loves to play soccer and does so in the back field of the school playground at every recess. But during one recess not too long ago there was a boy who said David didn't know how to play soccer correctly! The boy (we'll call him HD) told David that he kicked the ball like a football. Also, on that fateful day, David fell and inadvertantly touched the ball with his hand as he fell (a no-no in soccer). HD, a fellow first grader, kicked David out of the game.

It was only after David was tucked in bed that night, lights out and after our story and prayers had been said that David quietly shared, "Mom, something really sad happened at school today." What?! Then he relayed the story. grrrrrr. Not very nice. My heart broke a little for my sweet son. I was also angry that HD kicked David out of the game. And I felt a little frustrated and concerned that David didn't stand up for himself but, instead, chose to leave and stand near by watching the game he so wanted to be a part of. We talked about what his options might have been at the time it happened. I suggested, if it ever happened again, that he tell HD that while it was true he dmight not know all the rules and skills of soccer yet, that he was still young and had time to learn. In fact, he was going to start soccer lessons soon.

And he did. On Monday, in spite of the start of a cold, David had his first soccer practice. He LOVED it! And, as fate would have it, guess who was there?!! It was HD, the little culprit... er, I mean boy who kicked David off the "soccer team" at school that one day. Ie-yie-yie! And I watched with interest when the kids were directed to sit in a big circle in the middle of the field, David and the boy sat side by side.

Once underway, the kids (about 22-24) ran around, kicked balls, and were put through some drills before being divided into two teams. David did really well. He got right in there and went for the ball; I was surprised and impressed to his his tenacity on the field. Later, his coach told me that David was picked as one of the top players by three coaches as the kids were practicing. I was proud!

Their first "game" is on Saturday morning, November 4th. It should be fun! If anyone would like to go to one of his games just let me know and I will get you the specifics.

Hopefully the terrible cold that kept us home from school today will clear up enough to allow David to practice his soccer moves, in preparation of the game. The flu season is here and it has walloped David and me! We had a lazy day today, trying to recover and rest.


At Thu Nov 16, 03:11:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

email me a schedule! i want to try to make a game. is there one the sat. after thanksgiving?



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