Saturday, October 28, 2006

wow, amiga

I have been zipping around the house today, as usual for a Saturday, cleaning up, doing mountains (and I do mean mountains) of laundry, catching up on mail (i.e.: bills), in between doing science experiments with my son (yes, vinegar and baking soda, when mixed together, really do blow up a balloon!)

The kitchen garbage needed to be emptied and that falls into the column of David's Chores.

"Garbage needs to be emptied, Buddy."

"Okay!" (Yes, he is a wonderfully compliant child. Usually.)

He returned from emptying the garbage and, since he doesn't always put a new bag in the trash can, I reminded him, "Don't forget the bag."

"Adios, amigos!" he cheerfully replied.

I was amused and delighted that he was trying out his Spanish so I didn't mention he just told me good bye but, rather, merely commented, "It would be amigA, Buddy, not amigO. Amigo is for a boy, I think, and amiga is for a girl. That's how it works."

"Oh," he paused. "How did you know that? Did you look it up somewhere?"

My boy! Ever the inquisitive little fellow.

"No, hon, I learned that in college. I took Spanish in college."

"Wow!" He seemed impressed, "And you can still remember back that far?!"


"Yup, all the way back to the Dark Ages."


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